About the artwork: Konstantinos Michalos belongs to a new artist generation, where personal expression prevails over a stylistic proposition, and thus his artwork is more empirical than depicting a certain technique. He expresses through his paintings his psychological drives as well as his philosophical, spiritual and social concepts.
The artwork Episode: Some events in our lives do involve us sometimes merely as a spectators. Which aspects of us are involved in the everyday episodes and occurrences? Our body, to a greater or lesser, extent, always plays an irreducible role. The event of music is one example. I play the harp and move along with my instrument. Or I merely listen to a harp player – but my body unknowingly to myself, sways to the music. I am activated in my limbs, no matter how active or passive the event is. The events hit, place themselves in the matter of our everydayness, and grow like plants in a botanical garden, swaying to the wind.